Located in Alameda, Midway Shelter provides emergency shelter to homeless women and children, and a range of services in a caring and safe location. Every evening, dinners are donated to Midway Shelter, cooked by generous volunteers, community groups and individuals.
On occasion, an evening arrives that a dinner donor is not available. Your donation to this “failsafe” campaign will assure that dinners can be quickly purchased from a local restaurant to provide the women and children of midway shelter each a nutritious dinner meal.
This campaign is a collaboration between the local community, Midway and the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs of Alameda. Midway Shelter is supported and operated by a joint partnership between the Alameda Homeless Network and Building Futures. Your donation to Building Futures today is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Our federal tax ID number is 94-3100741. Immediately after making your donation, you will get a receipt by email from GiveDirect, the credit card processing company. You may also get a thank you from the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs of Alameda. Thank you!